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Ambiance-brief training

What is the AMBIANCE-Brief?


The acronym refers to the Atypical Maternal Behavior Instrument for Assessment and Classification, which is an observational tool anchored in attachment research that screens for disrupted parenting behaviors. The AMBIANCE-brief is a condensed version of the full instrument that can be used in clinical settings. This tool can be used to identify the most at-risk families, and aid family services with intervention planning, staff training, and risk screening activities.


Why is this tool important?


The AMBIANCE-brief possesses strong psychometric properties. The tool focuses on the most salient indicators of problematic parenting behavior, and can predict infant-parent disorganized attachment. This practical and empirically-supported observational assessment tool can contribute important information to family assessments, intervention planning, and intervention evaluation.


What is the training?


In order to use the AMBIANCE-brief, attendance of the training workshop and achievement of reliable coding is required. The training workshop is hosted online via Zoom over the course of 4 days (5hrs/day). 


The training workshop is led by clinical psychologist, Dr. Sheri Madigan. Dr. Madigan is one of the three certified AMBIANCE trainers, along with Drs. Karlen Lyons-Ruth and Elisa Bronfman, and has led AMBIANCE trainings in Canada and around the world, as well as online.


What is the reliability test?


At the end of the training, workshop participants code 8 reliability videos independently. Individual scores                          are then compared to expert rater scores and participants who are consistent with the expert rater scores are                    deemed reliable in the use of the AMBIANCE-brief measure.


Who is the training for?


The AMBIANCE-Brief is intended for use in clinical and community practice settings, for practitioners who supervise and/or directly provide intervention, coaching, and assessment to families receiving care.


Who has been trained on the ambiance-brief?


To date, we have trained over 100 clinicians and dozens of researchers from around the world* in the use of the AMBIANCE-brief measure. All workshops participants have passed a reliability test and are deemed reliable in the use of the AMBIANCE-brief measure (for a 3 year term, upon which a brief refresher course is required to continue using the measure).


*Including Canada, the USA, the UK, Greece, the Netherlands, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Chile, Japan, and Australia













When is the next scheduled ambiance-brief training?


North America/Europe Time Zone Date/Time

Jan 21, 22 & Feb 4, 5, 2025 from 10am-3pm ET (or 4-9pm CET). 


Australia Time Zone Date/Time

March 24, 25 & April 7, 8, 2025 from 10am-2:30pm AET

AMBIANCE-Brief Newsletter_Dec 22, 2022_edited.jpg

For more information or to register 

contact us at:


The Lab

Determinants of Child Development Lab

1235 Education Tower

University of Calgary

2500 University Drive NW

Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4




Twitter: @sherimadigan 

Psychology Department


Department of Psychology

Administration Building, Room AD255

539 Campus Place NW

Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4



Phone:  (403) 220-5561


Department of Psychology, University of Calgary


Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI)


The Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education (Hotchkiss Brain Institute)


The Owerko Centre (ACHRI)


Addiction and Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network (AHS)

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